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It is important to us that our trainers have first hand knowledge of the skills they are teaching, our trainers have a wide range of skills and experience spanning over several years from being a support worker / care giver all the way through to registered manager.


We like to work with providers to be able to deliver a more bespoke approach focusing on the needs of the people you care and support and facilitating training to fit alongside policy and procedure.


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Behaviour Support Awareness

This one day course focuses on the cause of behaviours that challenge, the functions that it serves, strategies for crisis prevention and proactive approaches. Workshopping appropriate support planning using the whole approach to reduce the likelihood of behaviours that challenge.



Autism & Learning Disabilities Awareness

In this we will explore what is Autism, what are Learning Disabilities, understanding how these diagnosis may affect a person and how we can tailor our support to meet the needs of the people we support.

We will also learn about Oliver McGowan and how his case has facilitated change across Health & Social Care.


The Care Certificate

We can work in partnership with your organisation to facilitate the completion of all 15 Standards of the Care Certificate.


Care Planning and Recording 

Within this training we discuss the importance of Person Centred Care Planning, what a good care and support plan looks like. We also reflect on the importance of our record keeping and recording events and the significance it plays to effective care and support.


Common Health Conditions

Within this course we look at the common health conditions that we come across and how we can adopt our approach to support them better. We also look at the medical and social model of disability.


Community, Health and Inclusion

This course explores how we can better facilitate community inclusion, recognise and assist people whom are open to health inequalities. Think about how we can better inclusivity for the people we support alongside promoting equality, diversity, equity and inclusion.


Epilepsy Awareness

Epilepsy Awareness course is designed to give people an awareness of Epilepsy, what a seizure can look like, how to record and report seizure activity and the important part that treatment has in managing epilepsy.


Epilepsy & Buccal Medication

While focusing on the understanding of Epilepsy, its management and the affect it has on people living with Epilepsy. This course also explores the administration of Buccal Medication also commonly identified as "Emergency Medication" or "Rescue Medication".


Inclusive Communication

Inclusive Communication focuses on how we communicate with people that struggle with "Typical" communication methods, how can we make the environment more communicative and the importance of the accessible information standards.


Learning and Development

This course focuses on the importance of learning and development opportunities for the people we care for / support and the importance of taking advantage of every day opportunities to become more independent within their every day life. 



Mental Capacity Act & Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards training equips people with the skills and knowledge of how to adopt these to their role, In particular understanding the decision making process, the 5 principles of the MCA and the legal framework that pertains to depriving someone of their liberty.

Medicine Prescription

Safe Handling Medication

Safe Handling Medication training equips care and support workers with the skills and knowledge of how to safely support someone with medication administration following the 6 rights. During this training it will also focus on the importance of record keeping and reporting concerns.


Safeguarding Adults at Risk

This Safeguarding Adults at Risk training focuses on the moral and legal obligation that professionals have around identifying responding and reporting abuse, how to spot the signs and where to get support from.


Safeguarding Children, Young people and Vulnerable Adults (Level 3)

This Level 3 Qualification focuses on the safeguarding of Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults.

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